Timing is the key to so many things in life, and that includes properly caring for your HVAC equipment and comfort. With proper timing, you can avoid breakdowns, reduce potential damages by repairing or replacing your air conditioner.
How to time things out isn’t common knowledge for homeowners, so we’ve decided to make a helpful guide for you.
Here is how to evaluate your system for a tune up, repair and replacement.
Tune Up: Professionally tuning up your system should be done at regular intervals. Check with your manufacturer’s documentation and your service contractor to understand how often this should be done. In between those professional check-ups, you can be checking on your filter. Different types of lifestyles and filters may require cleaning or replacing at various intervals, and a good way to know for sure is to check it monthly.
Also, if you or anyone in your family suffers from allergies, it’s advised to do this slightly more often. All those things aside, start by tuning up your system annually, and then make adjustments to the schedule based on the personal needs of you and your family.
Repairs: Most often, the needs for repairs are discovered during a service inspection. The sooner you diagnose and repair a part failure, the better. The longer a part is left with problems, the more likely it is to cause other part failures – combine that with the decrease in efficiency and the early identification can save you a lot of money.
If you suspect any change in performance, schedule a check and clean as soon as possible and have repairs done.
Replacement: Repairing a system may seem like a the most cost effective solution at the time, but when you consider the age of the equipment, the cost of the repair and compare it to the improvement in efficiency and comfort of a new system with a fresh warranty, this can often be a better option than sinking more money into repairing the existing equipment .
Consider each of these tips once a month, and you’re much more likely to save money by evaluating your air conditioner properly.
If you have any other questions about understanding your air conditioners condition, click here to get in touch with a Delta Air Systems representative.