The temperatures have dipped and furnaces are firing up again . . . hopefully. Every year around this time our phones light up with folks calling about no heat or wondering what to do to before they turn up the setting on the thermostat.
1. If you haven’t had the unit serviced in a year, phone for a planned service from an authorized contractor. We offer plenty of affordable options by qualified technicians.
2. Clean or replace your air filter. The filter needs to be clean for the furnace to function properly and efficiently. Note the type and size in case you need to ask your service company to bring one along.
3. Set the thermostat to the “heat mode” and check that setback program to ensure that the unit will operate at the temperatures and times you expect.
4. Have a look at the humidifier. Is white stuff growing out of the sides and around the fittings? Is the evaporator pad clogged with calcium. It may be time for a new pad.
5. Run the equipment. Set the thermostat and humidistat to get the system going. Does every thing work? Is heat coming out of the vents. Is water flowing through the humidifier? Make sure you return the settings to where you originally had them.
6. Clear away any clutter around the furnace and water heater.
7. Balance your air flow. You probably shut off some of the registers (perhaps in the basement) during air conditioning season. Now would be a good time to open them back up.
8. Does everything look and sound proper? Is there any smell of gas or combustion? If so, call in a technician to check your system.
9. Check your outside furnace vents. Is everything clear and unobstructed? Have plants grown up and around the pipes, or maybe someone left something piled up there during the summer. Make sure it’s all clear.
10. When the snow comes, check the outside vents regularly.