Buying a new home requires a substantial sum of money upfront and will most certainly require additional financial investments throughout the years. To limit the number of surprises down the line, it’s important to know all the facts before you fully commit to buying a home. A proper HVAC inspection is essential to determine if the home is a sound investment.
General Home Inspections Aren’t Enough
As it currently stands, there is no required license or regulating body monitoring home inspectors. As a result, home inspections are not always a reliable report on the state of a home’s HVAC system. If a home inspector is unfamiliar with the mechanics of home comfort systems, there are many potential problems or issues that could be missed.
HVAC Inspection Details
To determine the overall health of an HVAC system, an in-depth inspection of the unit must occur, including the following:
Specifics of the System
There are many options to heat and cool a home. Furnaces, boilers, heat pumps and geothermal are the most popular heating methods and each has their ideal application. A professional will be able to determine if the right HVAC system is installed, if it’s the correct size for the home and if there are any safety concerns with the installation.
Longevity of the Unit
Depending on the specific make and model, most home comfort systems last an average of 10-15 years. A dedicated HVAC professional can make an educated assessment of the lifespan of your specific unit, taking into consideration the installation date, the unit’s manufacturer, how the installation was performed and the upkeep of the unit.
Past Maintenance Records and Applicable Warranties
Manufacturers parts warranties and/or installer labour guarantees are a necessity to keep repair bills to a minimum, but often require annual maintenance to maintain validity. In addition, many heating and cooling companies require inspections prior to granting protection plans. With an HVAC inspection, a professional can audit the paperwork to ensure there was never a gap in yearly maintenance.
Having to replace a furnace or air conditioner unexpectedly can create financial hardships for an unsuspecting new homeowner. Ensure you get a proper HVAC inspection prior to purchasing your home and don’t rely solely on a general home inspector.
Delta Air Systems is a fully licensed mechanical contracting business that specializes in heating, cooling, geothermal systems, natural gas, electrical, plumbing, and improving indoor air quality.
Contact us today if you have questions about HVAC inspections or the home comfort system in your potential dream home.