Canadian winters have a reputation for being dry and bitter cold. And we all know that this can have a direct impact on our health and comfort. That’s why our team here at Delta feels that it’s important to understand what type of humidifier is right for your specific needs.
There are two types of humidifiers: portable humidifiers and whole-home humidifiers. Here is the rundown for each:
Portable Humidifiers – These work well for small spaces such as offices and dorm rooms. The primary benefit is the inexpensive price. Running several of these in your home could increase your energy bill and they are definitely no replacement for a whole-home humidifier.
Whole-Home Humidifiers – The holy grail of humidifiers. Whole-home humidifiers will actually regulate the air in your entire home. They also offer several benefits. Here are some of the most important ones to note:
- Restores moisture in the air, subsequently decreasing the amount of germs and allergens circulating through your home.
- Protects the finishes and furnishings in your home. Low levels of humidity can cause flooring, plaster, paint, and furniture to crack and dry-out.
- Your skin will benefit from the increased moisture in the air. If you have ever experienced dryer than usual skin during the winter months, it may be due to a lack of humidity.
To learn more and to speak to one of our qualified team members, give us a call at 519-885-2740 or fill out the form here.